joi, 10 iunie 2010

şi e gata...

astăzi, 10 iunie 2010, elevii liceului teoretic lucian blaga au auzit clopoţelul sunând ultima oară pentru ei. pentru noi...
am participat la momente emoţionante, printre care interpretarea imnului nostru, al clasei a XII-a C, sau prezentarea unui filmuleţ cu poze din clasa a IX-a până în prezent.

ultimul sunet de clopoţel, absolvirea liceului... parcă e ireal. mâine avem banchetul, dar nu cred că realizăm ce se întâmplă de fapt. ne vom distra, vom mânca, vom bea, vom dansa, vom pleca de acolo şi ne vom simţi neschimbaţi. dar de fapt se schimbă totul... anii de liceu au trecut şi, după banchet, nu vom mai fi niciodată toţi împreună.

urmează bacul, apoi admiterile la facultăţi, iar apoi vom pleca toţi in cluj, timişoara, sau bucureşti. cred că abia când ne vom vedea în alte oraşe, înconjuraţi în mare parte de străini, vom realiza că ne-am lăsat adolescenţa în urmă, că vom fi pe cont propriu şi că, la facultate, nu vom avea profesori cărora să le pese de problemele noastre.
e gata... perioada uşoară a vieţii noastre s-a terminat. brusc, fără ca cineva să ne întrebe dacă suntem pregătiţi.

but anyway... distracţie plăcută tuturor la banchet, baftă la bac şi admitere şi... XII C, ne vedem cu bine în 20 iunie 2020!

poze, peste câteva zile!

miercuri, 2 iunie 2010

more than you wanted to know


Name: madii.
Single or Taken: single && happy.
Sex: female ?
Birthday: december 26.
Sign: capricorn.
Eye colour: hazel && loving it.
What are you wearing: shorts and a pink tank top.
Where do you live: in a town called malice.
Righty or lefty: righty.


Where is your favorite place to shop: the local mall.
Color: blue <3.
Number: 26.
Boys Name(s): lucas && benjamin.
Girls Name(s): beatrice && cassandra
Animal: black panther.
Month: july.
Movie: fight club.
Juice: apple juice.
Breakfast: nothing ?


Given anyone a bath: yeah, my baby sister.
Smoked: myeah.
Bungee Jumped: no, but i wish i sometime get the chance.
Gone skinny dipping: nope.
Eaten a dog: hell no !
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: haha, no.
Loved someone so much it made you cry: nope, not yet.
Broken a bone: several.
Played truth or dare: yeah, who doesn't ?
Been in a physical fight: no.
Been in a police car: no, not yet.
Been in a hot tub: yeaaaaaah.
Swam in the ocean: once.
Fallen asleep in school: no, but i wasn't far from it either.
Ran away: not just yet.
Broken someone’s heart: i think so.
Cried when someone died: yes.
Cried in school: once, i guess.
Fell off your chair: not as far as i can remember.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call/text: myeah.
Saved AIM/MSN conversation: yes.


Your good luck charm: i don't have one.
Best song you ever heard: gah, hardest question ever! i'll pass.
What’s your room like: blue && crowded.
Last thing you ate: fast food.
What kind of shampoo do you use: schauma.
Do you believe in karma: nope.


Chicken pox: no.
Sore Throat: yeah.
Stiches: nope.
Broken nose: no.


Believe in love at first sight: not really, no.
Like picnics: love them.
Like school: not exactly.
What schools have you gone to: 2 elementary schools and a high school.
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: hell no !
Who was the last person that called you: my best friend.
What makes you laugh the most: hanging out with my friends.


You yelled at: my mom.
Who broke your heart: my ex boyfriend.
Who is your loudest friend: they're all pretty damn loud.


Do you like filling these out: yeah, they're wasting my time well.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses, unfortunately.
Do you like yourself: i love myself.
Do you get along with your family: pretty much.
Obsessive: sometimes.
Compulsive: rarely.
Anorexic: not really.


What are you listening to right now: my tv.
What did you do yesterday: i went for a walk with a couple of friends.
Hate someone in your family: no.
What car do you wish to have: audi s8.
Where do you want to get married: on a beach somewhere.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: nothing, because then i wouldn't be the same person anymore.
How many remote controls are in your house: 8, i guess.
Are you double jointed: gah, no.
Last time you took a bath: this morning.
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: uuuhm, hot tub time machine, i guess.
Do you like scary or happy movies: give me romantic comedies and i'm the happiest girl.
Black or white: black.
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: dr. pepper.
Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla.
Silver or Gold: silver all the way.
Diamond or Pearl: diamonds are a girl's best friend, right ?
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset, i'm almost never awake to see the sunrise.
Sprite or 7up: either.
Cats or dogs: dogs, most definitely.
Coffee or tea: tea.
Phone or in person: in person.
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only child: only child.
Indoor or outdoor: outdoor.