joi, 16 septembrie 2010

watch the stars and think of me

i wish i could smell
your perfume
and think of home,
because that’s what
you remind me about.

i wish i could look
into your eyes
and get lost in them,
like i did
the first time we talked.

i wish i could see
your smile
and hear your laugh,
or just see your face
and caress it.

i wish i could hug
because there’s no other way
i’d spend my days
than lost in your arms.

i wish i could kiss
your lips
and forget how to breathe,
like it happened every time
you leaned over and kissed me.

but you’re not here anymore.
i can’t smell your perfume,
or get lost into your eyes,
or see your smile,
or be hugged by you,
or taste your lips.

you’re far and i miss you
and i just wish you were here for a moment.
you’re gone and i haven’t even got the chance
to say goodbye and i just hope
i’ll see you again someday.

but, for now, please
go look out your window
and know that
we’re watching the exact same stars.

2 points of view:

Unknown spunea...

Buna ziua, dorim sa va facem o propunere comerciala! Daca sunteti interesat trimiteti un e-mail la

Anonim spunea...

Ah, acea rima alba. :)

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